Hallazgos desde lo local: CDMX

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Ya que entendemos al sistema de justicia penal como un proceso concatenado de actuaciones de todos los operadores, es pertinente hacer un análisis, justamente, sistémico, y desde el enfoque del desempeño institucional.

En este estudio encontrarán hallazgos y recomendaciones para mejorar el sistema de justicia penal de CDMX, en el …

Hallazgos desde lo local: Tabasco

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El seguimiento y evaluación del sistema de justicia penal en Tabasco requiere conocer su realidad específica. En 2021 la incidencia delictiva en el estado, que venía disminuyendo desde el 2018, tuvo un incremento del 8.2%, y la cifra negra se estimó para 2020 en 93.7%, semejante a la nacional. Con …

Hallazgos desde lo local: Baja California

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Seguimiento y evaluación del sistema de justicia penal

En 2021, la incidencia delictiva en el estado de Baja California tuvo un incremento del 6.4%, según las cifras del Secretariado Ejecutivo del Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Pública (SESNSP), la cual venía disminuyendo desde 2016, con excepción de los años 2017 y 2019, …

Hallazgos desde lo local 2021: Nayarit

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Seguimiento y evaluación del sistema de justicia penal

En Nayarit, 2021 quedó marcado por un proceso electoral y un cambio de gobierno. Todo proceso de cambio implica ajustes en las instituciones, con efectos positivos y negativos, que impactan directamente en su gestión y toma de decisiones. Esto, no sólo por la …

Covid-19 and the possibilities of digital justice

By Laurence Pantin (@lpantin) | Proceso

In the context of the health emergency declared
by the General Health Council, on March 31st, the Ministry of Health
placed the administration of justice on the list of activities considered
essential. However, no guidelines or simple instructions have been issued to
precisely define which justice administration services are essential.

This lack of clarity, perhaps, …

How to resume the administration of justice?

By Laurence Pantin (@lpantin) and Miguel Carbonell (@MiguelCarbonell) | Proceso

Suspending the procedural deadlines and their
work was a decision made by the judicial powers of the country in the middle of
the emergency, without knowing precisely, obviously, the impact on public
health that it was going to represent, and without being able to calculate the
scope of the …

There is no turning back for digital justice

By Laurence Pantin (@lpantin) | Proceso

The users of the justice system face a very complex situation. As a result of the covid-19 pandemic, the judicial powers had to suspend most of the services they normally offer, and they made the decision to focus only on the most urgent matters —in criminal matters, when the freedom of the …

Technology for a more humane justice

By Laurence Pantin (@lpantin) and Sandra Escamilla (@sandritaeceron) | Animal Político

Recently, officials of the Federal Judiciary and litigants reported on social networks various failures in the operation of the site of the online services of the Council of the Judiciary, as well as the Comprehensive File Monitoring System (SISE for its acronym in Spanish). …

The long road of digital justice in Mexico

By Laurence Pantin (@lpantin) and Sandra Escamilla (@sandritaeceron) | El Sol de México

With the arrival of the fourth wave of covid-19
in Mexico, some courts have closed their doors again and suspended deadlines
and terms, as they were forced to do during much of 2020 and 2021. At that
time, only a few judiciaries were able to …